Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog # 4 - The Black Male Searching Beyond Stereotypes

Marable also said, “Generally, the vast majority of white females viewed Black men through the eyes of their fathers and husbands” (18.) In general, we’re heavily influenced by our parents or spouse because they are the ones who we spend majority of our time with so their ideas and beliefs affect our thought process as well. What and how we teach our child is a major stepping stone in how they will grow up to be. Even though we can’t shield the racism and ignorant, stereotypes from children, the parents are suppose to teach them love instead of hate. However, because of hate and racism, some parents encourage the ignorant and arrogant comments to their child.

In addition, Marable also says that “The stereo types imposed by white history and by the lack of the knowledge of our own past often convince many younger black males that their struggle is too overwhelming” (23.) With this mindset, many give up with the struggle to get pass their biggest struggle and they fall into the stereotypical category which then only encourages the negative feedback.

He said, "Together, without illusions and false accusations, without racist and sexist stereotypes, they can achieve far more than they can ever accomplish alone" (23.) I have to agree with Marable. Not even Black men but the whole Black community itself has the power to break through the stereotypes and accomplish many things in the future. What’s holding them back is all the negativity whether from the past of what has happened or the present of our current racist comments and stereotypes. Many people accuse Black men or women for irrelevant things. Many people associate Black people as only being ghetto. All the racism and stereotypes sets them back. It’s hard to change society and the world to fully stop the racism. It’s extremely hard to stop hate.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog #3 - The Male Myth

 As Theroux stated, "And this is also why men often object to feminism, but are afraid to explain why: Of course women have a justified grievance, but most men believe - and with reason - that their lives are much worse." It's true. Due to male egos and all of mans' macho glory, whether we like to believe it or not, the idea of male superiority still holds true. He also stated, "It is a hideous and crippling lie; it not only insists on difference and connives at superiority, it is also by its very nature destructive - emotionally damaging and socially harmful." So often, women are looked down upon whether it's intentional or not. If a woman were to enter a career field that's mainly male dominant, I would say that most  men would not be able to take her seriously unless proven that she could 'talk the talk and walk the walk.' None the less, even just job salaries, men generally have a higher paying salary than women. Nothing is really being done about it.

In another paragraph, he had stated, "It is very hard to imagine any concept of manliness that does not belittle women, and it begins very early." Even before birth, girls were frowned upon. Boys were always a hot demand as a new born rather than girls. Why? Husbands wanted their wife to give birth to boys so that the little boy will be able to carry out the family bloodline and name. Boys were able to grow into strong soldiers or fighters to protect the family. They're able to work hard to further support the family. Girls were useless because back then, they weren't allowed to fight nor could they work. Their task was to take care of their husband, kids, cook and clean.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog #2 - What Is Gender?

From when we are born, people commonly mistake sex for gender. I agree with Lorber that people are sexed, not gendered. We're able to determine the child's sex, however, gender is a completely different topic. Who's to say that a man will grow up masculine or feminine? Outside the 'norm' of society, there are people known as transvestites who cross dress in their opposite sex. Woman are classified by society to be feminine however, there are those who break that tradition and cross dress as males and act masculine. Same with males, they're classified to be masculine but there are those who cross dress as females and act really feminine. They're outcasts because society has the idea of male, masculine and female, feminine so concrete and straightforward, there isn't anything in between. Thus, whatever that doesn't fit in society's 'norm' they're tossed aside and categorized as misfits. They don't belong to society.

Who's to say what's normal? Who is to say what our gender is? We certainly don't have the power to tell another individual what their gender is.That is something we and even society cannot determine. Although society plays a major role in influencing childhood development and setting certain standards, gender is something the individual has to figure out them self.

Discription Of A Photograph

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How does genderism affect our society?

The idea of one gender being superior over the other is still in effect til this day. There's still a gap of recognition between women and men. Whether we like to believe it or not, our society is still in favor of men more so than women even though feminism is growing strong. We see it in career salaries and within the career fields. Fact is, men are still being treated a little higher than women with a higher paying salary. Even within the career/job fields, the automotive field, the video game industry, and etc. is mainly male dominate. We're categorized and put into our roles in society by our gender and as a result, they are expectations of what our roles can and cannot do.

For instance, women are expected to be a good wife by staying home, taking care of the kids, cleaning, cooking and support her husband where as men are expected to be a good husband by working and support his family by paying the bills and so forth. It would go farther with what our gender is expected to know like women should know how to cook as men should know how to fix the car or plumbing pipes and such. A better example of our society favoring men than women would be the controversial issue of sex. Women are expected to remain pure until marriage and if they do lose their virginity before then, they're considered impure and a whore.They're dirty and bad to society. However, when a man sleeps around with many women, his reputation isn't tainted at all, instead, he gets recognition and an ego boost.

Our gender roles in society; the ideas of our roles of what we should do and shouldn't do, what we can and cannot do will stay in their place until we're able to break society. Until we are able to break through and escape the old traditions, ideas and grasp the concept of independent females and fully embrace the idea of feminism, our roles will always be defined by society.

National Geographics Taboo Episodes Relating to Sexuality

Hey, I came across the seasons of National Geographics Taboo on netflix. I found a some episodes on the topics of "Sexuality," "Sexual Identity," and "The Third Sex." I figured I'd add this to the blog since it might be of interest to our class lessons and discussions. If you haven't seen the episodes yet, i highly recommend it. The episodes are very educational and enlightening.  If you have Netflix, you can search for it and if not, here's one of the links from the website:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog Post Number One - Are Males Born Or Made?

Since birth, boys are told not to play with dolls, but to surround themselves with action figures and video games. Even before birth, when parents know that their child is a boy, they pick out certain colors for the baby clothes. How often do you see a baby boy in bright pink baby clothes?

Society has set certain standards for men of how they should act and how they should look. There are even standards of their financial status and career. As boys get older, they are taught that crying is a sign of weakness that strong men do not cry. Strong men should be independent and know how to fight. What makes a man handsome or good looking? Billboard ads and commercials from clothing companies and such, set standards by having muscular men, half naked posed for jeans and sunglasses. By doing so, it brain washes us to believe that in order to be handsome or hot, men should be muscular. Even principles of what a man should know, for instance, men should know about cars, how to repair cars or the house sink and toilet. All these standards that men are suppose to have a well paid, stable job, marry a woman and support the family, however, does this necessarily mean they're masculine? What is masculine? It's nothing but hundreds of years of tradition, molded into guidelines and principles of how a man should act and look. Whatever that doesn't fit into that category isn't masculine, but who's to say what is and what isn't?