Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog post # 9

Our group (Jonathan G., Nataly C, and myself) came up with the theory that perhaps there being a “Universal" way of parenting. With "Universal" parenting, major road blocks would get pulled out of the way making the lives of our younger generations easier and simpler for them to grow without having to try to prove/fit into certain gender roles/stereotypes. Having universal parenting would benefit children a great amount in many ways. One being that the children wouldn't be judged so harshly by society. As an example, boys being called momma's boys or a pansy for speaking their feelings and crying or girls getting called tomboys just because they play a little rougher than other girls or because she enjoys watching/playing sports. Such mentality of boys being too feminine or girls being to rough would be in a sense erased. Another great upside to this theory would be that since society's hand wouldn't be so strict and harsh on our youth and things would be equal, the factor of Christine L. Williams's idea of the "Glass Ceiling" and "Glass escalator" wouldn't exist or would be minimal. For example, women and men getting the same wages for the same job with no sexual inclination what so ever. With that being said "Universal" parenting would probably benefit today's gender imposed society and its children reducing stereotypes, gender imposed roles, "Glass ceilings," and "Glass escalators." Our future would be much brighter.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post and it is well written. But I asked that you compose one paragraph, so I'm not sure why you slit your post into two sections? Also, rather than state "Based on today's group work..." simply state the claim your group developed about universal parenting. Also, be sure to follow MLA format when paraphrasing ideas (here from Williams). Any examples from Coltrane?
