Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog Post #8 - Annotated bibliography

Due to the glass escalator effect, men have certain advantages in a predominantly female job. In some professions dominated by females, males have an advantage in better positions, pay and even promotions because there are so few men in the career field. 

Williams, Christine.  “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions." Men’s Lives. Eds. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 211-224. Print.

There are so few men in the populated female career/job field and because of that, many say that it's nice to have a man around. "In several cases, the more female-dominated the specialty, the greater the apparent preference for men" (Williams 213). In one of the interviews, a Massachusetts nurse said, "It's nice to have a man because it's such a female-dominated profession" (William 213). Because of this glass escalator effect, society ranks men higher than women, thinking that men perform much better and will excel to the top of their position. Men have a much higher expectation set upon them. 

Williams carry a Ph.D and is a professor as well as the chair of the sociology department at the University of Texas at Austin. Her article is appropriate for the paper having incorporated much data such as interviews and statistics of hidden advantages men have over women.

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