Thursday, April 7, 2011

blog # 5 - Asian Men in U.S

"The patriarchal authority of Asian immigrant men, particularly those of the working class, has also been challenged due to social and economic losses that they suffered in their transition to life in the U.S" (Espiritu 33). In Asian culture, men held the power and authority over women. Females had to do what men asked of them and in no way, were they able to disrespect men. It was tradition for the male to be head of house and no one dared to question it. However, when male immigrants transitioned from their homeland to the United States, their authority was beginning to be questioned and defied. One can say that Asian men were emasculated due to the fact, they had to take on domestic service jobs that were normally a woman's job.  Because of their lack in skill and the English language, they aren't able to progress or promote to a better job. Espiritu stated, "Disadvantaged men generally have fewer employment options than women. This is due in part to the decline of male-occupied manufacturing jobs and the current growth of female intensive industries in the United States" (38). The labor intensive and low income was their main choice. As a result of the increase of the industries for females, women were beginning to be less dependent on their husband.  The traditions were breaking and changing. Even the tradition of an arranged marriage was broken. Asian women are now free to pick and choose who to marry out of love. No longer were Asian men able to be the authority because now, women will now challenge back.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post makes several good observations and summarizes Espiritu's main points. But please review the MLA format for quoting. Because you do not use signal phrases, the quotes you've included here are ineffectively incorporated. Also, please reread this post as there are several unclear sentences here.
